Kevin Jr (I go by Kj though)

I live in Carthage TN. I go to First Baptist Church in Carthage. In the upcoming school year I would be a sophomore . I’m 16 years old. I like to go hiking, write music/songs, learning new things and walking in faith with God.

When and how did you first get involved with Lighthouse Christian Camp?
By my sisters, by a Christmas party

Where are you originally from?

What is your current involvement at Lighthouse?

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
I write music/ songs

Who inspires you to be better?
My family/friends and The Lord

How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?
I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Everywhere where I can learn new things that I didn’t know

What do you like most about Lighthouse?

What is your favorite restaurant?
I don’t have a favorite

How have you been blessed by Lighthouse?
Well it helps me through some things that I need to get over and learn more about the Lord.

What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of Lighthouse?
Encouraging, impactful and Amazing