Annabelle Pirrie

I live in Cookeville TN. I attend the river community church. I love photography, baking, and doing hair. I live with my mom, dad, and older sister. We have two cats and two dogs.

When and how did you first get involved with Lighthouse Christian Camp?
I came to lighthouse for the first time in 2019 to be a junior counselor, and fell in love with it.

Where are you originally from?
I was born in Tennessee, then moved to Florida, then moved to North Carolina, then when I was 5 we moved back to Tennessee and have lived here ever since.

What is your current involvement at Lighthouse?
Summer Camp Counselor

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
That I am planning on taking a gap year, also that when I was two years old I almost ate a lizard because my sister told me to.

Who inspires you to be better?
Everyone I meet!

How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?
I have one older sister.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Italy or Greece.

What do you like most about Lighthouse?
Pretty much everything.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Chick-fil-A and Yannis

How have you been blessed by Lighthouse?
I have been blessed to be part of all the kids lives and have fun with them.

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.

What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of Lighthouse?
Fun, caring, and outdoorsy.