
I’m Maven, I’m a graduating senior. I love the outdoors and especially love the water.

When and how did you first get involved with Lighthouse Christian Camp?
Volunteering, 6 years ago

Where are you originally from?
Cookeville, Tennessee

What is your current involvement at Lighthouse?

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
I have a Twin Sister

Who inspires you to be better?
My older brother

How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?
Two, I’m the youngest

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Ireland, it’s very beautiful

What do you like most about Lighthouse?
The community around Lighthouse is amazing.

What is your favorite restaurant?
The Lobster Shack

How have you been blessed by Lighthouse?
The amazing friends I’ve gained.

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Look both ways when you cross a road.

What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of Lighthouse?
Community, Love, Outdoors