Shayne Spurgeon

Hi, my name is Shayne Spurgeon. I have four amazing kids, a beautiful wife, and a beautiful life!!! I try my best to live life to the fullest, taking advantage of any and every opportunity to have an adventure and to grow. I love serving God’s people and strive to show people God’s love in all aspects of my life. I love nature and anything outdoors…Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Boating, Scuba Diving, etc. I see God’s fingerprints and beauty in all of nature and love to experience it in depth. I’m so excited and honored that God has brought my family to Light House Christian Camp, and I can’t wait to be a small part of its legacy of introducing people to Jesus!!!!!!!!

When and how did you first get involved with Lighthouse Christian Camp?
Started on full time staff February of 2022

Where are you originally from?
Im origanally from Indiana but moved to Light House from Boca Raton Florida

What is your current involvement at Lighthouse?
I am currently the Camp Program Director

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
I’m a bit of a geek and proud of it!!…maybe everyone knows it?

Who inspires you to be better?
Jesus and all who go all in for Him….My wife and children also inspire me daily to be a better father, husband and Christian.

How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?
I have 6 siblings, I am the oldest other than 1 older step brother.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Any Place the Gospel has not been taken!!! Would also love to walk where Jesus walked!!

What do you like most about Lighthouse?
The Love, The Mission and The Hospitality.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Impossible to say….I love Food!!!

How have you been blessed by Lighthouse?
The Testimonies of Transformation and the Faith of and Obedience of it’s Founders

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of Lighthouse?
Love, Transformation and True Religion (looking after the widows and orphans)