Amber Spurgeon

I was homeschooled from 6th – 11th grade, and then went straight on to college at Oakland City University where I studied Religious Studies and Vocal Performance. I have been singing my whole life, and have been playing guitar and leading worship for the past 20 years. Shayne and I got married a week after I graduated in 2008, and have served in ministry at various places in Indiana, eastern Tennessee, and most recently, Boca Raton, Florida. I love reading, cooking/baking, watching movies, and playing outside with my family – especially now that cooler weather is here! I am a big homebody. I love to travel but am never sad about a day at home together.

When and how did you first get involved with Lighthouse Christian Camp?
My husband Shayne received a notification in his email about a ministry employment opportunity back in the fall of 2021. We visited on the day of the girls’ Christmas party, and just felt the presence of the Holy Spirit there the whole day. We prayed about moving to Lighthouse, and returned with our children for a second visit during their school Christmas break. Following the Lord’s leading, we moved here in February and have been going nonstop since!

Where are you originally from?
I am from Poseyville, IN – don’t blink or you’d miss it! It is near Evansville, about 4 hours northwest of here.

What is your current involvement at Lighthouse?
I am heavily involved in our After School Club Program and weekend retreats. I also help Shayne with picking out our memory verses for ASC and putting together the worksheets. Typically, I am in charge of all the meals (with a lot of help from our volunteers, other staff, and our widows!). I also typically lead worship for ASC and retreats, and have also spoken at the girls’ retreats.

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
Oh man! I’m full of lots of useless trivia, haha! Let’s see…I spent a summer in Guatemala with Teen Missions International when I was 16. I can make balloon animals. I was involved with a youth ministry as a teenager where we learned how to evangelize and disciple, so I’ve had the privilege of helping many other teens meet Jesus! That same ministry gave us points for memorizing verses, so I have committed many Bible verses to memory. At one point, I memorized the book of Matthew chapter by chapter. I can’t recite it, but I can give you a general idea of where a certain topic might be found in Matthew, haha!

Who inspires you to be better?
My children. I want them to follow Jesus more because of what they see in Shayne and I as parents, and not in spite of us. If I could, I would save them from some of the struggles and insecurities I faced as a kid, but I know that I can’t spare them from all pain.

How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?
I have one older sister, Amanda, and she is five years older than I am.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
We talk about this often at our house! We would travel the whole world if we could! Specifically, I would love to do a European tour and hit all of the hotspots from Great Britain all the way over to the Mediterranean.

What do you like most about Lighthouse?
What I like most about LCC is that we aren’t afraid to give an invitation and share the Gospel so that kids can hear the truth about how God loves them and sent Jesus to die for them.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Oooooh, we love them all! I would never turn down sushi, Italian, Mexican, or steakhouse food.

How have you been blessed by Lighthouse?
For starters, we are able to live here on the property, which in today’s market, is a huge blessing in itself! We are blessed by the community of believers around us who are becoming like family to us, even helping with things like picking our kids up from sports practice, or babysitting for a while when we need an extra hand!

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Drink more water. Unpack your bags as soon as you get home from a trip or else you’ll be staring at them for the next three weeks.

What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of Lighthouse?
Gospel Sharing, Providing for Needs, Discipleship